In response to yesterday’s call by the Australian Chamber of Commerce and Industry (ACCI) for Fair Work Australia to change its name and restore its independent corporate image, Australian Mines and Metals Association (AREEA) chief executive Steve Knott has said:
“AREEA notes that yesterday, umbrella employer group ACCI, which AREEA is the resource sector member thereof, has called for the federal industrial tribunal Fair Work Australia to be renamed to reflect a ‘neutral working name such as the Australian Industrial Relations Commission (AIRC)’.
“I understand the calls of ACCI and others to rename Fair Work Australia (FWA) but in this case do not support ACCI’s particular name proposal.
“In AREEA’s view, it makes no sense to encourage further ACTU-inspired adverse IR policy considerations by giving the tribunal a 1980s title; a title reflective of the failed last-century, IR Club protectionist institution.
“AREEA prefers the title of the Australian Employment Commission, as put forward by new FWA President Justice Iain Ross. Last month, Justice Ross said changing the tribunal’s name would have the benefit of depoliticising it, helping it break down the divide between employers and unions, and addressing Australia’s productivity decline, all of which are worthy aims in AREEA’s view.”
Justice Ross and AREEA’s comments support the view expressed back in November 2008 by Professor Ron McCallum, who is currently one of the three-member panel reviewing the provisions of the Fair Work Act, with regard to naming the tribunal Fair Work Australia:
‘I deplore political slogans and epithets being put in bills and in titles of agencies, particularly of the judiciary. By all means, have a labour relations or industrial court … but recognise that under a system of the rule of law, courts should be independent, impartial and not have silly names thrust upon them that are simply political shibboleths.’
“AREEA’s view is also that the tribunal should have at its core the issue of Australian employment, both current and future, and should steer clear of slogans,” Mr Knott said.
“An Australian Employment Commission should primarily focus on this, including fair terms and conditions, appropriate work practices and associated productivity and efficiency improvements – all critical components to feed into enhancing Australia’s national economic prosperity.”
Steve Knott is available for media interviews.
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