The Health and Wellbeing Award recognises a resource industry organisation that has implemented a leading health, safety and wellbeing initiative that has made a significant positive impact on its workplaces and employees.
Three years ago, up to 50% of New Hope Group’s New Acland Coal mine workforce had risk indicators for chronic disease, including high blood pressure, high cholesterol, high blood glucose and high waist circumference. The 280-strong workforce was ageing; giving way to underlying chronic conditions impairing work and leisure activities. To change the health culture, New Acland developed the ‘Live Well, Work Well’ program to help employees take ownership of their own health and wellness.
The success of the program was built around management support, a health and wellness committee, and the use of local allied health professionals. Practical aspects included monthly tool box presentations, in-cabin and at-crib coaching, supervisor training, weekly communication tools, and biannual employee health challenges. The outcome has been an empowered workforce with almost 80% making positive changes to their health, which will lead to reducing risk indicators for chronic disease.